Your Health
A Holistic Approach
Acupuncture, originating over 3,500 years ago in China, is one of the oldest and most practiced forms of alternative medicine.
Acupuncture uses long thin needles placed in precise points to administer treatment.
Dr. Fuchs has been practicing medical acupuncture for over 20 years and in combination with other treatment methods has found that it can be effective for treating a multitude of conditions.
One of the differences between acupuncture and medical acupuncture is that medical acupuncture is performed by a doctor trained and licensed in Western Medicine.
The traditional acupuncture points are aligned with trigger points for optimal results.
For a physician to perform acupuncture they must also undergo additional specialty training in acupuncture.
As a board certified medical doctor who is also licensed to practice acupuncture,
she is uniquely qualified to integrate acupuncture into more traditional treatment options and has found this method to be the most effective for our patients.
Acupuncture is not always covered by your insurance company you should know prior to making your appointment if it is not and make arrangements with the office.